Who is Clayanna Warthen? Closer look at Andre Iguodala's ex-girlfriend and controversy around their

Posted by Artie Phelan on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Clayanna Warthen made headlines in 2009 when she sued Andre Iguodala, who was part of the Philadelphia 76ers back then, for child support. Warthen sued him again seven years later when he was with the Golden State Warriors. So, who is Clayanna Warthen, and what's the controversy surrounding their daughter?

According to Heavy.com, Warthen is a native of Camden, New Jersey, and went to Pennsauken High School. She has a degree in Criminal Justice. She claimed to have been in a relationship with Iguodala from Oct. 2004 to Jan. 2009.

Warthen had their daughter London on May 7, 2009, and took Iguodala to court to seek child support. It should be pointed out that "Iggy" had a son named Andre Jr. with his now-wife Christina Gutierrez on Mar. 24, 2007.

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Clayanna Warthen was back in the spotlight last month when she appeared on the 11th season of "Basketball Wives" as a recurring cast member. She previously appeared in music videos featuring artists Cassidy and Young Jeezy.

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Clayanna Warthen sued Andre Iguodala again in 2016

Warthen successfully got $16,000 monthly support from Andre Iguodala in 2009 for their daughter London. Fast forward seven years, and Warthen sued Iguodala again for child support, wanting to increase it from $16,000 to $58,000 per month.

According to TMZ, Warthen made some wild claims about her ex-boyfriend during her testimony in court. She said that Iguodala, who is a Christian, had issues with London playing basketball at school, as he was afraid that she might become a lesbian.

Warthen also said that Iguodala had been ignoring their daughter and spent only nine hours with her in 2015. Iguodala and his lawyers called her lawsuit an attempt to "take him to the cleaners."

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Andre Iguodala has retired from the NBA

Andre Iguodala announced his retirement from the NBA on Oct. 20, less than a week before the start of the new season. Iguodala had a very successful career, winning four NBA championships and one NBA Finals MVP award. He is a one-time All-Star.

The Springfield, Illinois, native also won a FIBA World Cup in 2010 and the Olympic gold medal in London in 2012. He joined the Golden State Warriors in 2013 and helped the team win four titles in eight seasons.

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