The Wild History Of The Canadian Mounties

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, June 14, 2024

One of the semi-approved pop culture appearances of the Mounties was in a classic TV show. The iconic animated series Rocky and Bullwinkle featured segments starring eternal do-gooder Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties, who was forever rescuing hapless girlfriend Nell Fenwick from the villainous Snidely Whiplash. The character eventually spun off into his own animated series, as well as a really crappy 1999 live-action movie.

Far from being a highly competent law enforcement officer, Dudley was a hapless, bumbling airhead, totally committed to the rule of law but without an ounce of common sense or competence, as the Rocky and Bullwinkle Fandom page puts it. His horse, Horse, is the true brains of the operation — as well as the true love of his far more intelligent beloved, Nell.

His gratingly optimistic, endearingly incompetent, yet lawful character has even become a trope. As TV Tropes tells it, the character and show both created certain visual traditions and called on others, from tying a girl to the train tracks to accidentally solving cases through sheer luck. And, of course, there's that iconic mustache-twirling villain, Snidely Whiplash.

It just goes to show that even if it requires sheer blind luck — or the intervention of a particularly clever horse — the Mounties do always get their man!
