Start time for every major region and more

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Friday, June 21, 2024

The 2024 League of Legends Ranked Season's Split 1 is approaching fast. Riot Games made an announcement confirming the global start time after the LoL-Ranked Season's final split for 2023 concludes on January 9, 2024. There will be a rank reset with the arrival of the first 2024 split, and plenty of notable changes will come with it.

Each major region's start time for Split 1 of the 2024 League of Legends Ranked Season, along with additional details, has been included in this piece.

When does the League of Legends 2023 Split 2 Ranked Season end?

In 2023, playtime and progress on the ranked system were divided into two splits. Season 2023 Split 2 started on July 19, 2023, providing players with a soft reset and a path to improve their ladder climb throughout the year.

As Season 14 looms ahead, the ongoing Split will draw to a close at 23:59:59 on January 9, 2024, following the timings of your local region.

Split 1 of League of Legends Ranked Season in 2024: Starting time for every region

Following the end of Split 2 for the 2023 Ranked Season, Split 1 for Season 2024 is set to begin at 12:00:00 on January 10, 2024. Notably, it's taking place in all areas except for NA1 and LA1. In LA1, the initiation takes place at 9 am CST on January 10, 2024, while in NA1, it starts even earlier at 7 am PST on January 10, 2024.

Here are the League of Legends Ranked Season 2024 Split 1's starting times for every major region:

RegionTime zoneSeason start time
OC1Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
JP1Japan Standard Time (JST)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
KR1Korea Standard Time (KST)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
RUMoscow Standard Time (MSK)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
EUN1Central European Time (CET)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
TR1Time zone in Istanbul, Turkey (GMT+3)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
EUW1Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
BR1Time zone in São Paulo, Brazil (GMT-3)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
LA2Time zone in Buenos Aires, Argentina (GMT-3)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
LA1Central Standard Time (CST)January 10, 2024, at 9 am
NA1Pacific Standard Time (PST)January 10, 2024, at 7 am
PHPhilippine Standard TimeJanuary 10, 2024, at 12 am
VNIndochina Time (GMT+7)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
SGSingapore Standard Time (GMT+8)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
THIndochina Time (GMT+7)January 10, 2024, at 12 am
TWTaipei Standard Time (GMT+8)January 10, 2024, at 12 am

Can you play ranked queues during the new Season transition?

Just like in previous years, we can expect a similar process while transitioning into the new League of Legends Season. The ranked queue will be disabled at that time. However, it will be temporary, lasting a few hours until the release of LoL Patch 14.1. Shortly after that, Split 2 will commence.

Furthermore, you cannot process any Shard transfers before the Season ends, and they will be re-enabled after all end-of-season rewards are granted.

League of Legends Season in 2024 is going to feature three Ranked Splits

For 2024, Riot has made a rather bold change to how Ranked Seasons will work. Rather than the usual two Ranked Splits per year, there will be three. Alongside this, significant alterations are expected to shake up gameplay throughout the rest of the year.

The idea behind three Ranked Splits is essentially for adjustment: to prevent players from abandoning their journey up the ranked ladder by resorting to alternate accounts, known as smurfs, that enable them to compete at lower levels. The developers have decided to add this split to encourage players to stay engaged in the challenge.

Additional changes coming to League of Legends Season 14

Season 14 will be huge for LoL's Summoner's Rift, with changes galore coming to both the jungle and neutral objectives. In addition, there's a big update planned for older items, with some core mythic items being entirely removed while brand-new additions are set to arrive.

Thus, Season 14 will be intriguing to witness how everything plays out.

League of Legends 2v2v2v2 Arena is set to return in Season 14

In Season 14, we're in for a treat as the well-awaited return of the LoL 2v2v2v2 Arena is imminent. There will be a flurry of balance updates, augments, and new items as we gear up for the ultimate battle.

Here are some of the major changes coming to LoL Arena mode:

  • Individual and class champions are in for a major shakeup with a plethora of balance changes.
  • Hexgates have been added to all four Arenas.
  • You can now revive your teammate in Arena. Following a delay, you can bring your dead comrade back to life just by standing on their remains.
  • Naafiri, Samira, Virgo, Shaco, Lux, Evelynn, and Jhin cameos have been removed, and Sylas and Thresh cameos have been added.
  • Four new items.
  • 60 new Augments.

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