Clarence Poitras Obituary, Death- We regret to inform you of the passing of Clarence Poitras Jr., beloved father, stepfather, and friend, at 5:45 AM. In the midst of a peaceful sleep, Clarence Poitras Jr. passed from this world into the next and into the arms of eternal rest.
As he left, he freed us from our pain and into the safe embrace of sleep. Clarence was a kind and kind person who brought light, love, and laughter into our lives. Many of his stepchildren and step-grandchildren admired him. Although his death has left an irreparable void in our lives, we will always remember the joy he brought.
Clarence may now rest beside the woman he loved most in a tranquil place, where the two of them will always remember and cherish their love for one another. Not only is he surrounded by the love of countless cherished family members and friends who have passed on before him, but he is also reunited with them.
In the safety of their company, he is able to find the peace to which he is entitled. Clarence’s legacy is the kindness, generosity, and unwavering support he offered to others throughout his life. His kind spirit and the boundless love he showered on those he cared about left permanent imprints on their hearts.
His legacy will be the countless priceless times we shared, the fun we shared, and the essential lessons dad taught us. Those of us who were lucky enough to know and love him will always remember the wonderful life he had with gratitude and admiration.
Clarence’s trip has undoubtedly delivered him to a place of serenity, unburdened by suffering, where he may act as our guardian angel and watch over us as we go through this difficult time. Though we mourn his passing, we rejoice in the life well-lived and the spirit that touched our lives.
Clarence, we will always remember the love we enjoyed with you, and you will always be in our thoughts. I hope you find peace at last, Clarence Poitras, a junior at the time.