Batman Vs. Superman full-length trailer drops: this looks really stupid, right?

Posted by Artie Phelan on Saturday, June 29, 2024


For the love of all that is holy, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice looks like an exquisite mess. To be fair, I’m sure it will make billions. But can we all agree that this kind of stupidity should not be rewarded? Ben Affleck stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last night to debut the new full-length trailer for Batfleck Vs. Charisma Vacuum and… ugh. First, take a moment to enjoy these photos of the Batfleck’s current face. I’ve long suspected that the Batfleck has gotten some minor stuff done in the past, like hairplugs, teeth capping and perhaps some Botox here and there. But is it just me or does his face look REALLY different? Like, is this Botox? Is it fillers? Is it something else?

As for the trailer… here you go. Prepare yourselves for an onslaught of dumbness.

My biggest complaint about the movie is built into the trailer. Superman COULD kill the Batfleck at any moment. Superman is an alien with enormous power, strength, whatever. The Batfleck is just a rich douche with lots of toys. If Superman wanted the Batfleck to die, it would take him two seconds to do the deed. So why build it up over the course of two camera-flare-tastic hours? That was sort of my problem with Man of Steel too – we’re supposed to care about Superman’s internal struggle and all of his FEELS about General Zod when literally, he just needed to kill Zod and be done with it, for the good of the world. They’ve made Superman into Hamlet, basically, unable to make up his mind about how to deal with genuine threats.

As for the appearance of Wonder Woman… I’m not feeling it. Nor am I feeling the Batfleck’s laughable Batfleck-voice. It’s like he’s doing a terrible impression of Christian Bale’s Batman voice. But Affleck-as-Bruce Wayne? I actually don’t mind that at all. Previously, I was intrigued by Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, but I’m not really feeling him in this trailer.

Also – we still haven’t seen Jason Momoa’s Aquaman at all.



Photos courtesy of WENN.
